Environmental Impact Statement for Authorizing Changes to the Falcon Launch Program at Vandenberg Space Force Base

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Welcome to the website for the Environmental Impact Statement for authorizing changes to the Falcon launch program at Vandenberg Space Force Base. The purpose of this website is to share information with the public including key milestones and opportunities for engagement.

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Proposed Action

The Department of the Air Force (DAF) is preparing an Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) to evaluate the potential environmental effects associated with:

  • •    The DAF’s authorization of the redevelopment of Space Launch Complex (SLC)-6 to support Falcon 9 and Falcon Heavy operations, including launch and landing at Vandenberg Space Force Base (VSFB);
  • •    The DAF’s authorization of an increase in Falcon 9 launches and landings at VSFB and downrange landings in the Pacific Ocean; and
  • •    The Federal Aviation Administration’s (FAA’s) issuance or modification of a vehicle operator license to Space Exploration Technologies Corporation (SpaceX) for Falcon 9 and Falcon Heavy operations at VSFB and approval of related airspace closures.

The DAF will consider the potential impacts the Proposed Action and alternatives may have on the environment. The DAF is the lead agency for the EIS, and the FAA and the U.S. Coast Guard are cooperating agencies for the EIS.


The DAF has identified a Proposed Action, Alternative 1, and the No Action Alternative to be carried forward in the EIS.

  • •  Under the Proposed Action, the DAF would increase the annual Falcon launch cadence at VSFB through launch and landing operations at SLC-4 and SLC-6, including modification of SLC-6 for Falcon 9 and Falcon Heavy launch vehicles to support future U.S. Government and commercial launch service needs. The overall launch cadence would increase from 50 Falcon 9 launches per year at SLC-4 to 100 launches per year for Falcon 9 and Falcon Heavy at both SLCs combined. The existing horizontal integration facility (HIF) located north of SLC–6 would be modified into a hangar for use by SpaceX. No modification of SLC-4 infrastructure is proposed. The FAA would issue or modify a vehicle operator license for Falcon 9 and Falcon Heavy operations and approve corresponding temporary airspace closures for operations. Under the Proposed Action, the existing horizontal integration facility (HIF) located north of SLC-6 would be modified into a hangar for use by SpaceX to support Falcon 9 and Falcon Heavy operations.
  • •  Under Alternative 1, the DAF would implement the Proposed Action, but rather than modifying the existing HIF, the DAF would authorize SpaceX to construct a new hangar south of the HIF and north SLC-6 to support Falcon 9 and Falcon Heavy integration and processing.
  • •  Under the No Action Alternative, the DAF would not authorize any Falcon 9 or Falcon Heavy launches or landing operations at, or modifications to, SLC-6, nor would the DAF authorize additional Falcon 9 launches from SLC-4. SpaceX would not apply for an FAA vehicle operator license for Falcon operations at SLC-6 or increased launches from SLC-4.

Public Scoping Period

On Dec. 13, 2024, DAF published a Notice of Intent (NOI) in the Federal Register to prepare an EIS to evaluate the potential environmental impacts of authorizing changes to the Falcon launch program at VSFB.

Publication of the NOI initiates the start of the public scoping period. The public scoping period of 45 days will take place from Dec. 13, 2024, through Jan. 27, 2025. Members of the public are invited to submit comments to inform DAF of potential issues to be analyzed in the EIS (e.g., range of actions, alternatives, environmental impacts). The Proposed Action and Alternatives are within portions of wetlands and floodplains; therefore, the Proposed Action is subject to the requirements and objectives of Executive Order 11988 “Floodplain Management” and Executive Order 11990 “Protection of Wetlands”. The release of the NOI initiates early public review and requests public comment on the Proposed Action and any practicable alternatives.

Public Scoping Meetings

The DAF will hold three in-person public scoping meetings and a virtual public scoping meeting to inform the public about the Proposed Action and accept comments on the scope of the analysis. During the in-person public scoping meetings, project team members will be available to provide information, and there will be an opportunity to provide oral and written comments. The meeting rooms are accessible to people with disabilities. Persons requiring special accommodation to attend a meeting should email info@VSFBFalconLaunchEIS.com, or call 1-805-606-3595 within 5 days of the meeting date to ensure accommodation can be met. Scoping meeting materials will be provided in English and Spanish at the in-person scoping meetings and online.

In-Person Public Scoping Meetings (5 p.m. – 8 p.m. Pacific Time)
Tuesday, Jan. 14, 2025          Veterans of Foreign Wars Post 1679, 3801 Market St., Ventura, CA (Get Directions)
Wednesday, Jan. 15, 2025     Westside Neighborhood Center, 423 W. Victoria St., Santa Barbara, CA (Get Directions)
Thursday, Jan. 16, 2025         Dick DeWees Community Center, 1120 W. Ocean Ave., Lompoc, CA  (Get Directions)

Virtual Public Scoping Meeting (6 p.m. Pacific Time)

The virtual public scoping meeting consists of a narrated slideshow highlighting the exhibit boards that were originally presented during the in-person meetings.

Thursday, Jan. 23, 2025



Zoom Meeting ID: 160 898 2564

Call in #: 1-669-254-5252
Zoom Meeting ID:
 160 898 2564


Public Comments

The public is encouraged to submit comments during the scoping period from Dec. 13, 2024, through Jan. 27, 2025. To ensure DAF has sufficient time to consider public input in the Draft EIS, please submit comments within the 45-day scoping period, which ends on Jan. 27, 2025. Public scoping comments can be submitted in English or Spanish in the following ways:

ATTN: VSFB Falcon Launch EIS
c/o ManTech International Corporation
420 Stevens Avenue, Suite 100
 Solana Beach, CA 92075

Purpose of and Need for the Proposed Action

The purpose of the Proposed Action is to increase the space launch mission capability of the U.S. Department of Defense (DOD) and other federal and commercial customers and to enhance the resilience and capacity of the nation’s space launch infrastructure, while promoting a robust and competitive national space industry. As directed by U.S. policy (10 USC Section 2273, “Policy regarding assured access to space: national security payloads”; see also the White House’s 2021 Space Priorities Framework), the United States seeks to provide greater launch and landing capabilities and infrastructure to support national security objectives, including deploying satellites and other space assets that enable intelligence, reconnaissance, and global security operations. The United States aims to promote a hybrid space architecture that diversifies access to space, reduces dependency on singular systems, and ensures rapid reconstitution capabilities.

The Proposed Action is needed to meet current and near-term U.S. government space launch requirements from the DoD space launch range that supports launches centered at VSFB (Western Range), specifically for medium and heavy-lift launches to polar, geostationary, and other orbits less reliably available elsewhere without compromising current launch capabilities. The Proposed Action is also needed to expand launch capacity by returning heavy-lift launch capability to the Western Range. Finally, the Proposed Action is needed to fulfill (in part) 10 U.S.C. Section 2276(a), “Commercial space launch cooperation,” authorizing the Secretary of Defense to:

  • •  Maximize the use of the capacity of the space transportation infrastructure by the DOD by the private sector in the U.S.;
  • •  Maximize the effectiveness and efficiency of the space transportation infrastructure of the DOD;
  • •  Reduce the cost of services provided by the DOD related to space transportation infrastructure and launch support facilities and space recovery facilities; 
  • •  Encourage commercial space activities by enabling investment by covered entities in the space transportation infrastructure of the DOD; and
  • • Foster cooperation between the DOD and covered entities. “Covered entity” means a non-federal entity that is organized under the laws of the U.S. or of any jurisdiction within the U.S. and is engaged in commercial space activities.

National Historic Preservation Act Section 106

This public scoping effort also supports consultation under Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act (NHPA) and its implementing regulations. Members of the public are invited to participate, provide comments, or raise concerns regarding potential impacts on historic properties. Comments submitted via the project website, email, or by mail will be considered under the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) and pursuant to Section 106 of the NHPA.

Project Timeline


Public Documents

Public Scopting Meeting Poster Public Scoping Meeting Posters
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Reunión de Alcance Público Póster Reunión de Alcance Público Póster
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EIS Fact Sheet EIS Fact Sheet
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EIS Hoja Informativa EIS Hoja Informativa
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Comment Form

  • Environmental Impact Statement for Authorizing Changes to the Falcon Launch Program at Vandenberg Space Force Base

    The United States (U.S.) Department of the Air Force (DAF) welcomes your scoping comments on the Environmental Impact Statement for Authorizing Changes to the Falcon Launch Program at Vandenberg Space Force Base. To ensure the DAF has sufficient time to consider public scoping comments during preparation of the Draft EIS, please submit comments within the 45-day scoping period, which ends on Jan. 27, 2025.

    The DAF will consider each comment during the EIS process, and all comments will become part of the public record. Comments, including attachments, must not exceed a 20-megabyte file size. Do not submit confidential, sensitive, or protected information.

    Public input allows DAF to make better-informed decisions. Letters or other written or verbal comments provided may be published in this EIS. Providing personal information is voluntary. Private addresses will be compiled to develop a stakeholders inventory. However, only the names of the individuals making comments and specific comments will be disclosed. Personal information, home addresses, telephone numbers, and email addresses will not be published in this EIS.

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    By providing your address, you agree to be added to the project mailing list.
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    Formulario de Comentarios

    • Declaración de Impacto Ambiental para Autorizar Cambios al Programa de Lanzamiento del Falcon en la Base de la Fuerza Espacial Vandenberg.

      El Departamento de la Fuerza Aérea de los Estados Unidos (EE.UU.) (DAF, siglas en inglés) agradece sus comentarios sobre el alcance de la Declaración de Impacto Ambiental  (EIS, siglas en inglés) para Autorizar Cambios al Programa de Lanzamiento del Falcon en la Base de la Fuerza Espacial Vandenberg.  Para asegurar que DAF tenga suficiente tiempo para considerar los comentarios de alcance públicos durante la preparación del borrador del EIS, por favor envíe sus comentarios dentro del período de alcance público de 45 días, el cual finaliza el 27 de enero de 2025.  

      El DAF considerará cada comentario durante el proceso del EIS, y todos los comentarios pasarán a formar parte del registro público.  Los comentarios, incluídos los archivos adjuntos, no deben contener más de 20 megabytes.  No envíe información protegida, confidencial, o de contenido sensible.

      Los aportes públicos permiten que el DAF tome decisiones mejor informadas. Las cartas u otros comentarios escritos o verbales pueden publicarse en este EIS. Proporcionar información personal es voluntario. Se recopilarán direcciones privadas para desarrollar un inventario de partes interesadas.  Sin embargo, solo se divulgarán los nombres de las personas que hagan comentarios y los comentarios específicos.  En este EIS no se publicará información personal, direcciones domiciliares, números de teléfono, ni direcciones de correo electrónico.

    • Información

    • Dirección

      Al proporcionar su dirección, acepta que lo agreguemos a la lista de correo del proyecto.
    • Ingrese su Comentario

    • Filename